Has anybody here seen my ol' friend Bobby? Can you tell me where he's gone? Not me, but I did just see a well dressed, light skinned brother who bears a striking political resemblance. Ever since he was shot down on the way to the White House, the collective mind of America has wondered, "What if?" What if this deeply empathetic, righteously indignant son of royalty had made it all the way to Pennsylvania Avenue? Any history book can tell you about the man Bobby Kennedy was becoming. How the cries of injustice from Vietnam to Brooklyn had somehow penetrated the insulation of his first class upbringing and awakened his political conscience. How he had transformed from a ruthless witch hunter into the relentless champion of the downtrodden, joining himself with the likes of impoverished drug addicts and oppressed migrant workers. Yet no history book can predict a future that never came to pass. History, however, may be getting a second chance.
As you can tell, I'm an RFK fan. I plead guilty to idealizing his legacy, and to looking at his career and character through rose colored glasses. Sue me. But whatever your opinion may be of the Kennedy's, or of the current candidates, you can't deny the obvious. Barack Obama is Bobby Kennedy after he fell asleep in the tanning bed while listening to "I have a dream" on his ipod. Not only do these two share a common rock star status, and an enduring message of optimism and hope, but they are even running on identical platforms. The goad that pushed Bobby into the race some forty years ago was his outrage over Vietnam. He couldn't understand why America was wasting so many lives and so much money perpetuating an unjust war, while millions at home were financially destitute. Are we not hearing the same rhetoric from Obama?
I understand why Obama scares some conservatives. He carries the mystique of a revolutionary, and promotes ideals that are almost socialistic. But in reality, Bobby was far more radical. His clean-cut image, and impeccable pedigree served as the perfect disguise. He had uprising in his veins, and possessed an inner compulsion to challenge the establishment. So, in honer of Bobby, but mostly in honor of my own curiosity, I plan on voting for Barack Obama. To those who would remind me of his liberal stance on issues such as abortion and the sanctity of marriage, I say two things. First, I would never let him be my pastor, but I will let him be my president. Second, it's impossible in a two party system for any candidate to meet the Christian standard. The key for us is to keep the ship as balanced as possible until Jesus comes back and makes it right.
AMEN Brother.... At least we know where Obama stands... the other guy is so wishywashy on everything.. even the AFA is grumbling and can't figure out what he stands for.. besides.. we need a younger President that can handle different agendas.
I'm excited to see the changes Obama brings. (Actually I have a hidden agenda... I don't want my son to have to go to Iraq.. he's in the National Guard) "sigh" you can't blame a mama's heart... I want all of our military brought home.
Love ya Josh
Amazing words. I'm a big Bobby fan as well. Over the last year, I've often feared Barack's message would be assasinated by the media long before he got the chance to win the nomination. Pending the VP choice, my vote for Barack is one for hope and protection over the sanctity of life after a child is born. Too often the leaders of the church take a hard stance against abortion, but neglect to care about the 7 children sleeping in a two bedroom section 8 apartment, or the soldiers who've seen so much horror they refuse to leave their homes, or the 70% of iraqi children who suffer from trauma related bedwetting and stuttering. My heart breaks for those things and I demand a president who won't tolerate them.
"Barack Obama is Bobby Kennedy after he fell asleep in the tanning bed while listening to 'I have a dream' on his iPod"
That is too funny! On the serious side, I hope we all will pray about how we will vote and not just pull the lever for the party we've always pulled before. You've begun an excellent conversation here that proves to us that neither party has the Christian ideal market cornered. We'll all have to decide which subset we're going to vote for.
If Barack read this blog he would give you a "fist bump" or as the kids call it "dap"
I've got jungle fever. And living in downtown Indy that could be an accurate statement... But hey man, thanks for speaking positive political things doused in history and issues rather than political parties. I hate the idea of voting for a political figure head to do the work of the church. Its not popular opinion in your circles, I'm sure. But there is a lot of truth there. Preciate it man
"Id clap my hands, stomp my feets, try to stay in time
Hed play me a song or two..."
wow... i'm glad i stumbled onto this blog. i was wondering if maybe i were the only Christian who was going to vote for him. :-\
love the blog!
Josh and Laura
Would you please email me info on supporting your ministry.... susan and I are going to give one week tithe to your ministry each month while we are traveling since we don't have a home church.... We are doing the same for Matt. We love you and believe in you...
Please use my emtfem1434@yahoo.com address.....
Have you read Obama's first book: Dreams From My Father? I haven't. I'm interested in learning more about who he really is.
Honestly, Uncle Bo is going on the top line of my ballot!
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