Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Whitey McWhiterson

Last month, I had the unique opportunity of participating in a panel discussion as part of the Martin Luther King day festivities. I was the only white person sitting on the panel. I have never felt so white in all of my life. I wouldn't have felt any more white if I had been eating a mayonnaise sandwhich, while singing a duet with Barry Manilow.

All of that aside, it was a great opportunity to interact with the community. One of the questions that was posed to the panel was whether or not we as a society were any closer to the realization of Dr. King's dream. It wasn't until later that I thought of a really good answer to that question. Don't you hate when that happens? At first glance, the obvious answer to that question is yes. We've got more blacks in positions of power, and we've even got a brother in serious contention for the presidency. It's easier now for a black youth to get a college degree, and the days of seperate water fountains seem like ancient history. We seem to be closer to equality now than in days gone by. Yet in truth, King's dream wasn't about equality. It was about unity. When the people join together, equal rights is no longer an issue. Meanwhile history has consistently proven that seperate but equal is a myth. Unless both the population and the power is split 50/50, there will never be equality. And even if their was somehow equal power, the equality would be empty, because we would still be a people divided. King's dream wasn't about two parellel nations experiencing the same quality of life, it was about one nation sharing the same struggles and triumphs as a single, unbreakable entity. So, as long as there is a black side of town and a white side of town we are still an eternity away from realizing the beloved community that Dr. King envisioned. To say that we have arrived when we are clearly still separate is to make a mockery of his martyrdom.


Anonymous said...

Great blog post man. I really enjoyed reading this. I hope our society changes and everyone becomes unified.

Dustin Ahkuoi said...

thanks for writing this...very challenging

Matt Guthrie said...

You have hit the nail right smack dab on the head. This was the frustration we experienced in Durham. Everything was pretty much 50/50 - population, school board positions, other gov't positions, etc. But unity was never there. It was especially disheartening in the church. It makes Jesus's prayer in John 17:20-26 all the more poignant and far off seeming.

The J's Simmons said...

Wow. Good assessment, Josh! Keep it up, man. I know and trust the Lord is touching many lives through you and Laura. We love you, dude!

Lady Violet said...

Hey you two. It sounds like you're doing great! Anna Grace is positively gorgeous! I bet you're having a blast with her. Do you have an email address? My brother would like to get in touch with you. He's stationed on Okinawa right now (Air Force), so a phone call wouldn't really be practical. :)
(Melissa Godwin)